Sunday, August 23, 2015

It's About Time!

Ephesians 5:15-17

Time is precious, we need to value every moment.

1,440 minutes are given to you everyday. And when the day is over, they are gone... lost forever. Don't waste the time God gives you.

Par attention every minute to how you live. Be sure that you are living for God, not for yourself.

v. 15 (not actual verse)- Examine your life. How are you living? For God or for yourself?

A life lived and nothing to show for it. You don't want to leave a legacy like that behind.

v. 16 (not actual verse)- Make the best use of this opportunity. Because it may never happen like this ever again. So in this moment make the most of it.

The time is now!

You must make the best use of the time you have.

v. 17 (not actual verse)- Stop being foolish in regards to the time you have to use for God's glory.

What is the will of God? What are the circumstances that I'm in? Seize the moment, put them together, and act.

To not pray is a sin against the glory of God.

It's About Time...
- to Heed what we've heard.
- to Build our body.
- to Focus on our families.

Don't miss the moment.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Thirst No More

John 4:7-26

"You can drink as much as you want, but you still gonna be thirsty."

You are temporarily satisfied with the things on this earth, but with God's living water you will be satisfied with it for eternity.

God loves everyone, and He doesn't care about what other people think of you, all he wants to do is love you and give you His living water.

The things of this world will never satisfy you.

How do I know what my purpose is? How do I know what He wants from me?
- Just put your focus on Christ and the things of him. That is all He wants from you. He wants your attention and full dedication.

You have to realize that you are broken before you need a Savior.

Church is a place for broken people to come to worship their Savior.

Jesus knows what you have gone through, no one is too messed up for God. He loves every kind of person.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Focus inward, Not outward

Psalm 51

The greatest works God does are not external but are internal.

In the middle of the Psalm David prays, he wrote it down. Write down your prayers and date them, then you can go back and see what all God has done for you.

Psalm 51:10-12
What David requested lies at the core of your revival in your walk with the Lord.

None but God can create a clean and pure heart.

David wants to start all over.

God wants to get rid of the things that don't belong in your heart and create something new. That means that some things in your life must go. Like habits, hypocrisy, etc.

Receiving a clean heart is better than becoming rich over night.

"I don't want to be like Jell-O, I want to be like a rock." So ask God to give you a steadfast (unmovable) spirit.

How do you remain calm both on the outside and on the inside? You stand on the Rock. (Jesus)

To renew a steadfast spirit God will sometimes put you in situations where you cannot handle it on your own. He does thing because He's teaching you to trust Him.

The Lord gives you the willingness to carry out His will and the ability to carry out His will.

When you focus on the external, you miss what God wants to do on the inside.

It's time to pray. Focus on the inside, be bold! or you will just look outside, and grow cold.


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Spiritual Family

"Disfunctional family becomes functional without the dis"

"When you are in a family you are a part of what makes it a family"

1 Corinthians 12:27

Are you gifted? Some of you may be on the pride side and some of you may be on the humble side. But the truth is, every single one of us are gifted, God gives you a spiritual gift when you become a part of His family.

Grace saves us. The parts alone makes up the body.

The change is immediate. You change from the inside out so even though the inside change is immediate, your bad habits and the outward change takes time.

Ways to tell if you are in a dysfunctional family:
1. When we are self-centered
     - Pride, if not cured by Christ, can send you straight to hell.
2. When we grow jealous of others.
     - God wants you to see you as He sees you. He created you; and since God is perfect, He doesn't make mistakes.
     - So what if you're different? That's a good thing, that shows the complexity and power of our God.
3. By not accepting others.
4. When we see others as competition.
     - Usually the person that irritates you the most because they are so similar to you.

We multiply the strength of the body when we work together.

1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Thursday, August 6, 2015

"Is God Enough?.... Yes!"

Love is the most misunderstood word in the English language. So this brings to the question, "do we truly understand this word 'love'?"

Three types of love:
1. Phileo love
2. Eros
3. Agape

1. Phileo- this is what Christians are supposed to practice towards others, despite your differences. It is brotherly love.

2. Eros- this is husband and wife love, more physical, also desire and longing. Can be selfish love, usually develops in the first stages of a relationship. If not redeemed by God's presence, it can become very possessive, where there is no trust.

Ladies, guys are supposed to be the ones pursuing us... not the other way around. Ask them what their intentions are.

When going into a relationship, ask yourself this question: "am I doing this for myself, or am I doing this because God told me that I'm ready?"

"The biggest coward is a man who awakens a woman's love with no intention of loving her." -Bob Marley

Agape- selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love. The highest of all loves; also called supernatural love, because this is the love God has for us.

John 14:21

God commands all believers to have this love for everyone. By spending time with God everyday, you will be able to look past the surface and look at what is on the inside.

1 John 3:18, 4:8

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Proverbs 17:9

1 Peter 4:8

The more we know Him, the more we are like Him, and the more we are like Him, the more we love like Him.

We can't show true love without knowing who God is.