Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Obedience in Witnessing

Acts 16:6-15

Verse 6
--Who kept Paul and his companions from preaching in Asia?

Verse 9
--What vision did Paul have?

Verse 10-12
--How did he respond to this vision?

Verse 14-15
--Who believed because of Paul’s obedience?

--Who opened this woman’s heart to respond to the message? Was it Paul?

The Holy Spirit guided Paul and led him to a place where the gospel was received. Because of Paul’s obedience, the Lord worked through him. However, Paul only preached the gospel. He had no control over who would or wouldn’t believe.

--Have you seen a vision from God or heard Him telling you anything? If so, what? Will you obey?

--If someone is changed through your obedience, are you responsible for this change?

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