Saturday, August 15, 2015

Spiritual Family

"Disfunctional family becomes functional without the dis"

"When you are in a family you are a part of what makes it a family"

1 Corinthians 12:27

Are you gifted? Some of you may be on the pride side and some of you may be on the humble side. But the truth is, every single one of us are gifted, God gives you a spiritual gift when you become a part of His family.

Grace saves us. The parts alone makes up the body.

The change is immediate. You change from the inside out so even though the inside change is immediate, your bad habits and the outward change takes time.

Ways to tell if you are in a dysfunctional family:
1. When we are self-centered
     - Pride, if not cured by Christ, can send you straight to hell.
2. When we grow jealous of others.
     - God wants you to see you as He sees you. He created you; and since God is perfect, He doesn't make mistakes.
     - So what if you're different? That's a good thing, that shows the complexity and power of our God.
3. By not accepting others.
4. When we see others as competition.
     - Usually the person that irritates you the most because they are so similar to you.

We multiply the strength of the body when we work together.

1 Corinthians 12:12-27

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