Sunday, September 6, 2015

Bridgebuilding (Pouring into Others)

Who is a leader to you? Why are they leaders to you?

Leadership is not because of what you do, it's about who you are.

Reputation is what others think of you, character is who you are when no one else is looking.

Are you a leader? (if you don't think so) Why can't you be one?

Outside of Jesus Christ the world has yet to see one follower fully committing to Him." -quote quoted by Ron Blevins

Ephesians 2:13-14

-Never be afraid to attempt the impossible and dream bigger dreams.
-Leaders face challenges too.

You have the ability to do the impossible. Nothing is impossible with God.

Your greatest challenge in life will come right before your greatest victory.

Make sure your tomorrow is secured by your today. Prepare yourself (that's what a relationship with Christ does). You have something to rely on.

Matthew 14

Whatever challenges you are going to face, Jesus has the answer to it.

Everybody needs bridges. We are all here today because we have crossed bridges put there by others.

The best leaders are bridge builders. They pour into others.

Are you doing for the betterment of others.

Build Bridges:
1. At your church
2. At your school
3. At home. This is the most challenging because they know ever one of your successes and your failures. Pray with them.

Leadership is something inclusive of all you do. Working toward the betterment of others.

School is the biggest mission field.

1 Thessalonians

Bridge builders are the most frustrated people in the Christian walk because even if you build a bridge to others, doesn't mean that they will notice or even care enough to walk halfway to meet you.

There is always someone watching you. Following you.

Each bridge you build will stay there. Build them anyway.

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