Sunday, September 6, 2015

Follower... The Start of a Revolution

We have to be careful who we mimic.

Matthew 3:13-4:1-11

Jesus gave us this pattern on how we need to act.

Jesus is the author of salvation, so he does the saving.

He shows us the next step. The next step after salvation is to proclaim. And we do that by being baptized.

He goes into the desert to prepare for ministry.

You are going to face tough decisions, are you going to take the easy way out? Satan was tempting him to take the easy way out, but Jesus chose to stick with God.

To grow in your relationship with God, you have to spend time with him.

Prayer deepens our relationship with our creator. Its our foundation.

Luke 4:38-39, 42

Jesus keeps the main thing, the main thing. He gets up and prays to God. He keeps the focus.

Luke 5:1-11

We need to invest in others, just like Jesus did.

Sin is keeping us from doing what Christ is calling us to do.

When you spend time with just 12 people, you can invest in each person more. Just like Jesus. And then they go out and spread the word and so on and so forth.

He takes the unworthy and makes them worthy.

God takes imperfect people and loves them right where they are at.

Who are you mimicking? Who are you following? What is their pattern?

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