Thursday, February 5, 2015

Mysteries of the Early Earth Part 2

The Bible makes it impossible to accommodate evolutionary concepts!

The Bible states:
  1. Earth existed before all  stars! (Light travelling millions of years?)
  2. Daylight existed before the sun.
  3. Water covered the earth before dry land.
  4. Complex fruit trees existed before the jellyfish.
  5. All plants existed before the sun!
  6. Birds and whales existed before all land creatures.
  7. Man was made before woman!
So, What REALLY happened in the beginning?
God is eternal so “In the Beginning…” is a reference to time beginning. It is like a small window in eternity. God is ABOVE time!

*2 Peter 3:8-ALWAYS misquoted but frequently used! It simply reveals God is not bound by time. He created it. It does NOT reveal that a day could be 1,000 years long

What next? God created the heavens (means “stretched out space”).
*He had to make the empty space to put everything!
Then… God created the earth (means the dirt or matter from which everything else is made. It was without form and void—the BUILDING BLOCKS).

Where Does Light Come From?
LET THERE BE LIGHT!” (Day and Night First Day) Believed to be a general reference to energy (including atoms)—All matter was energized! Particles were now in motion and operating in TIME.

Essentially, God’s first creative act defines the BASIS of ALL Physical Reality:
space, matter, & energy!

“…all things were created by Him (Jesus) and for Him; And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist (or hold together).” Colossians 1:16-17

Genesis 1:2 The Creation of Water

God’s Spirit moved ( or hovers) over the waters. The earth was covered in water on the beginning of the 2nd Day. God moved some of the water above the planet, separated by the firmament. He re-named the firmament “heavens” – notice the plural? (Gen 1:6-8) Apparently more than one heaven!

Hmmm… Original Hebrew word “Shamayim” is translated in Genesis 1:1 as “heavens”. Mayim= waters; Sham= there/in it. So, the expanse of the heavens includes water. NASA?
“Waters above the heavens” (Psalm 148:4)

Water-essential for life and in abundance on the Earth!

Day 3: God changed the form of the earth- gathered the waters and allowed the dry land to appear. It was good! Then He created all of the plants and the planet was no longer void! It was good!

Day 4: (v14-16) God filled the vast empty space with lights.

Why were the Heavenly bodies made anyway?
Six reasons are found in verses 14-15:
1. to separate day and night
2. as signs
3. to mark seasons
4. to mark days
5. to mark years
6. to give light upon the earth

In God’s master plan, what is the center of attention?
The rest was set up to “help” the earth!

How long were each of the days of creation?

The days of creation week were separated by “the evening and the morning were the first day…” The boundaries are very clear!

But, what makes an evening and a morning?
Is it the sun? (Remember, it was not created until the 4th day!)

If we look at Exodus, God reaffirms the six days of creation while making the 10 Commandments:
“Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.” (Ex 20:8)
Further explained in v9 “Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work”
And v11: “For in Six days (same word!) the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them…”
In all of these verses the same Hebrew word "yom" is used. These days are the same length.

What about the water above the firmament?

*This suggests the Earth’s environment was very different in the beginning. It is felt that “waters above” were much more than just the clouds of today.
*It is often felt the firmament was a large water canopy high in the atmosphere (This would be a perfect water source for the great flood.)

What does the scripture say? 
(Genesis 2:5-6) States that “God had not sent rain” at the completion of creation, but an ideal watering system!

Hebrews 11:7 warned Noah about “things not yet seen.” (Rain?)
Genesis 9:13-14 Implies a rainbow and the clouds were a new surprise after God’s promise.

*The canopy could lead to a “VERY Good” Earth! Results:
1 Longer life spans (Adam 930; Seth 912; Methusaleh 969; Noah 950; …)
2 Minimal Disease
3 Rapid healing
4 Greater Stamina & endurance
5 **Larger specimens of some plants and many animals that keep growing as long as they live!
           *Dragonflies (four or five inch wingspan) Reached 3 feet across!
           *Cockroaches that were a foot long! (eww)
           *Hornless rhino reached 18 feet high and 30 feet long!

           *A Coiled shellfish {8 inches} with fossils measuring over 5 feet!

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