Sunday, August 16, 2015

Focus inward, Not outward

Psalm 51

The greatest works God does are not external but are internal.

In the middle of the Psalm David prays, he wrote it down. Write down your prayers and date them, then you can go back and see what all God has done for you.

Psalm 51:10-12
What David requested lies at the core of your revival in your walk with the Lord.

None but God can create a clean and pure heart.

David wants to start all over.

God wants to get rid of the things that don't belong in your heart and create something new. That means that some things in your life must go. Like habits, hypocrisy, etc.

Receiving a clean heart is better than becoming rich over night.

"I don't want to be like Jell-O, I want to be like a rock." So ask God to give you a steadfast (unmovable) spirit.

How do you remain calm both on the outside and on the inside? You stand on the Rock. (Jesus)

To renew a steadfast spirit God will sometimes put you in situations where you cannot handle it on your own. He does thing because He's teaching you to trust Him.

The Lord gives you the willingness to carry out His will and the ability to carry out His will.

When you focus on the external, you miss what God wants to do on the inside.

It's time to pray. Focus on the inside, be bold! or you will just look outside, and grow cold.


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