Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Thoughts on the New Year

As we go into this next year, we look for new hope, a new beginning, a chance to be better and to do the things we should be doing. But I think sometimes we miss the point. 

Lamentations 3:22-23 says the Lord's "compassions never fail. They are new every morning." We don't have to wait for a new year to realize God's compassion for us. we don't have to look forward to once-a-year mercy or forgiveness. That's something God gives us everyday.

It's sad how easily we forget this and make the new year about us trying to do better on our own. I am humbled every time God shows me that I don't have to be perfect because of His sacrifice on the cross. So this year, I will not resolve to rely on myself. I will simply trust in Him.

In the end, this year is not about us. It is not about our past failings, or any future change. It's about realizing that God is compassionate and merciful every single day, and about living a life of repentance and worship in response to that mercy. That's what we need to realize as we go into 2015.

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