Thursday, February 19, 2015

Evolution Part 2

Thermodynamics and the Bible: The Two Laws Explained

1. Energy is conserved. All existing processes in nature simply change the energy from one form to another. In nature, energy is neither created nor destroyed.

*The first law speaks of a total creation, originally completed, and now sustained by God's power.

The First Law in Scripture:
"…all things were created through Him…" (PAST Tense! Not a continuing process!)
"…in Him all things consist" (Greek word for SUSTAIN; nothing is lost from it). Colossians 1:16-17 "…He made…upholding all things by the word of His power." Hebrews 1:2&3
"…by the word of God…the present heavens and earth…are reserved…kept in store…"  2 Peter 3:5&7
 "…He commanded…created…established them forever." Psalm 148: 5&6

2. Energy dissipates. As processes in nature occur, the total energy available is reduced to simpler forms. As it is used, it becomes less available. Part of what is used to produce something is always dissipated as radiation, friction or heat. Ultimately, without God's intervention, the entire universe will end up filled with useless, low-level heat energy.

*The second law speaks of the curse of decay and death, brought on by man's sin, and causing an overall degeneration in everything.

The Second Law in Scripture:
The "decay principle" is consistent with the entire Scripture in light of the curse in Eden.
"Even they will perish (the starry heavens), but Thou dost endure; and all of them will wear out like a garment…" Psalm 102:26
But , the Second Law was not intended originally for a creation that was "very good." "the whole creation groans and suffers…" Romans 8:22
Death and decay was obviously not intended to prevail as it does now. Nor will it dominate the eternal kingdom! It is not permanent. "…creation…will be set free from…the bondage of decay." Romans 8:21 "…no more curse…" Revelation 22:2 What does it mean?

 * The second law proves that there had to be a beginning point once in time, or else all creation would be dead by now. The universe cannot have an infinite past. 
 * The first law proves that a Designer must have created all that exists, because no process in nature creates anything out of nothing.

Other Points:
3. Random Chance produces all the complexity of living things.

Consider your body: Each cell has about 90 trillion bits of information in them. Your body is composed of about 100 trillion cells. Humans have about 20,000 different proteins making up all the organic structures. And these are composed of hundreds of different amino acids. The thought that just a few parts could even line up perfectly on their own (random chance) is absurd!

Exerpt from Dr Michael Denton's Book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis:

"The Complexity of the simplest known type of cell is so great that it is impossible to accept that such an object could have been thrown together suddenly by some freakish event. Such an occurrence would be indistinguishable from a miracle."

 4. Non-living Matter produced life? Really?

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